I'm trying to create a simple "slide-in panel" that appears in response to a keypress or touch gesture (similar to Win+P in Windows 10 or the Charms bar in Windows 8). I'm using an auto-hide tool window with all the capabilities & UI removed - no dragging, floating, docking, title bar etc, and activating it from code.
This works great, but our app has multiple top-level windows each with their own dispatcher. When I try to display the tool window on the second window, I get an exception in DispatcherObject.VerifyAccess for a non-frozen DrawingBrush which appears to belong to the titleBarGripper element. I have a workaround by creating a style for ToolWindowContainer and removing everything from the template except for the ToolWindowContainerTabControl, so this isn't urgent to fix.
I've created a sample and sent to support. While creating the sample I found a second exception, again from VerifyAccess, this time for the LayoutTransform of an element called RootBorder. This exception didn't happen in my real app because I had a Style for AutoHideTabStrip to set Visibility=Collapsed.