Hi Actipro
Currently the Toggle Outlining Expansion toggles the expansion state for the outlining node region in which the caret is in.
1. Aabc class A {
2. Babc class B { Cabc class C {
3. } Cxyz
4. } Bxyz
5. } Axyz
Hence in the above example..
Actual: Each class is collapsed only if the caret is within the class's {} brackets. If caret is at the beginning of line 2, class C does not collapse, but class a instead. This is not ideal since class A could be really far away. User would expect current line's node1 to be collapsed instead.
Expected: Class C should collapse as long as caret is anywhere on line 2 to 3. Class B collapses as long as caret is anywhere on line 4. This is the behavior in VS, which we find to be more useful and expected. Could this be implemented please?