I'm trying to implement a grammar for Franca IDL (https://github.com/franca/franca).
There is a special comment to document the interfaces and types <** ... **>:
// minimal interface definition
package testcases
<** @description : Test interface with some meta information.
@description : Somebody **>
interface MyInterface {
version { major 1 minor 0 }
As you can see Franca IDL has several pre-defined tags, for example @description. A tag starts with '@' and ends width ':'. Also spaces between tag name and colon are allowed. How to configre lexer to parse it? The best way is to parse it into a collection of tags and text for each tag. And of course I would like to have the tags with different style, for example bold. My problem is extra whitespaces before tag and between tag name and colon...
Thanks in advance...
[Modified 8 years ago]