So I tried it as follows:
start "" "codewriter://open?path=C:\CCP\CCP50\start.bat"
It opens up codewriter but tells me I cannot open the file.
I have read the help and can see the reason! 'I do not have permission' unless I have already opened it!
My issue is that this makes this tool useless for my purpose! I just need to open a file in MY file system. I cannot understand the rational for removing this feature. Yes a 'protocol' is fancy, nice to have and all that, but opening a file from the command line is fundamental.
As a source code editing tool (that is not a full IDE) this reduces it's usefulness dramatically.
I can see the use of the protocol but if I cannot 'just open a file' for example like 'cmd /c codewriter' then this super code editor becomes unusable for my purpose.
Sorry but its back to notepad++ for me, very disappointing as it is a really nice tool.