Unfortunately your ComboBox only allows ".NET 4.5", nothing higher. We are actually using .NET 4.6.2 and will soon switch to .NET 4.7.
When one MDI-DocumentWindow in a StandardMdiHost is maximized, the Property AreWindowsMaximized is automatically set to true bei the Actipro-framework. That causes several problems. Maybe they are by design, but we get some really unpleasant visual effects. I hope someone can help me turn off this undesired behavior.
Problem number 1:
- The user opens several MDI-DocumentWindows in a StandardMdiHost
- The user maximizes one of these windows.
- Then the user closes that window.
=> The closed window disappear, the other windows are shown in their non-maximized size and location and the next window is maximized.
What we would prefer:
- When the window is closed the other windows are already maximized and we don't get the impression that they jump around.
- A possible, if less desirable, alternative would be that the other windows remain in their previous state and are not maximized.
Problem number 2:
- The user opens a MDI-DocumentWindow in a StandardMdiHost.
- The user maximizes that window (thus setting AreWindowsMaximized to true) and closes it again.
- The user opens another MDI-DocumentWindow.
=> The new window is first drawn with the size and location it would get if it wasn't maximized and then maximized.
What we would prefer:
- When the window is opened it is maximized and does not jump from its previous size and location to the maximized state.
Does anyone know of a way to calm down these windows, so they don't jump around?
Or can this be fixed in the framework?