Hi Actipro
The outlining for our language works such that each outlining node's opening offset starts on the end of the line (because we don't have brackets in our language). However, for the last line, we are unable to add an outlining node.
To reproduce a similar issue:
Use the Code Outlining - Range-Based example - in JavascriptOutliningSource, for "MultiLineCommentStartDelimiter", use commentStartOffset = token.EndOffset instead of token.StartOffset.
When we run the sample application and add a "/*" on the last line, no outlining node appears - because in OutliningManager.UpdateAutomaticOutlining, it checks for (currentOffset < endOpenOffset) and does not allow adding an outlining node at endOpenOffset.
This is causing us an anomaly since we can type an opening outlining node in the last line but yet not see any outlining node appear. I know we are effectively collapsing nothing, but it just feels more complete, and user will expect an outlining node to appear upon typing the opening node.
Will it be possible for Actipro to fix this and include the 'endOpenOffset' please, or is it possible for us to use any workaround?