This has probably already been asked, but is there a built in way of getting the lines that have been modified within the syntax editor?
In other words, all the lines that have a yellow indicator for in the margin?
This has probably already been asked, but is there a built in way of getting the lines that have been modified within the syntax editor?
In other words, all the lines that have a yellow indicator for in the margin?
Hi Frederic,
The document.UndoRedo.GetChangeTypeForLineRange method can be used to determine the kind of modified state. You could call it once for each line to determine which ones have been modified.
I have some files of 150MB, and while what you say should work, I don't think it is optimal in my situation. Is there no hashset containing the modified lines or a more optimal way of doing so?
The underlaying data is a bit complex so unfortunately that's the only way to access it.
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