To reproduce:
1. In Actipro's Sample Browser, add the GoTo Line's sample's controls and codebehind to the CodeLens Adornment 9 sample
2. InOnGoToLineButtonClick(), comment out the following line (because setting the caret position should be enough to scroll to the line)
3. Run the sample
4. Add more lines in the editor so that we can scroll up and down
5. Goto a line out of view, e.g. Line 70 using the "Go to Line" button - caret is placed at line 70 and view scrolls there as expected
6. Goto a line containing intraline adornment, e.g. Line 13 containing the following using the "Go to Line" button:
class FirstClass - Documentation
public class FirstClass {}
Expected result: caret is placed at line 13 and view scrolls there
Actual result: caret is placed at line 13 but view does not scroll at all
This behavior has broken our GoTo functionality.