To reproduce:
1. In Actipro's Sample Browser, navigate to Adornments 9 - Intra-Line Code Lens.
2. Delete all the contents.
3. Copy 200 lines of the following content into clipboard:
public delegate1 void ProcessBookDelegate(Book book);
4. Paste clipboard into Syntax Editor.
5. Observe: The caret is at the end of the document and line 200 is in view.
6. Delete all contents.
7. Copy 200 lines of the following content into clipboard. Delegate has associated adornment:
public delegate void ProcessBookDelegate(Book book);
Actual: The caret is still at the end of document but is pushed out of viewport. On my monitor, I am seeing Lines 125~Line 168 and their associated adornments.
Expected: The caret is at the end of document and the visible viewport can accomodate the line where the caret is at (Line 200).
Note: I have tried ScrollToCaret for this particular scenario. ScrollToCaret would work but it will break another scenario where I use mouse wheel or scroll bar to change my viewport. ScrollToCaret forces the viewport to contain the caret and is NOT what I needed.
Is there a way to workaround this or a fix for this?
Thank you in advance.
Erwin Liong