Hi Actipro,
How can I have mouse double click event on ToolWindow Tab Header and not on ToolWindow?
Hi Actipro,
How can I have mouse double click event on ToolWindow Tab Header and not on ToolWindow?
Do you mean you are trying to handle a double click on a tool window's tab, or on the title bar that appears above a tool window? What specifically did you need to do when this occurs?
I want to handle a double click on a tool window's tab, I want to open a new window when double click on a tool window's tab.
I don't believe it's possible right now to externally handle a double click on the tab because we handle pointer down messages to watch for clicks (to focus the content) and drags (to support reordering or tearing away tabs). What if you used our custom context content features like we show in the "Custom Context Content" QuickStart? That lets you add any UI element you wish to the tab. So you could add a button for instance.
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