Our software uses a tabbed mdi container to hold document windows, and the tabs are in a particular order.
In version 12.1, you could right click on a tab and choose the Float command, which created a separate floating window containing the document.
If you then right clicked on the floating window's toolbar and chose the Dock command, the document returned to the main mdi container, and its tab was placed back in the original position (where it was before it was floated).
We have recently upgraded to version 16.1, and the document tab's context menu items have changed. There is still a Float command on the tab context menu in the main mdi container, and that creates a floating window with a tab for the document, which is good.
Unfortunately, now, when you right-click on the tab in the floating window, there is no 'Dock' command. If you choose the 'Move to Main Document Group' command (which seems to be the closest in functionality to the old 'dock' command), the document window is returned as a tab to the main mdi container, but the tab is added to the end of the list, not into its original place.
Many of our customers use the order of the documents to help drive their procedures, so the order is very important, and they're not happy with the 'new' functionality.
Is it possible to get the tab restored to its original tab order, like what happened in v12.1 ?
If so, how can it be done ?
Update: I have just tested this in the sample browser of both versions, to make sure that the behaviour I'm seeing is built-in and not something we added ourselves, and the sample matches what our software does (in both versions). Actually, the 16.1 sample returns the document tab to the start of the tab list when it's moved to the 'main document group' (and not the end, as I described above), but I think that's probably because we set the DockSite.AreNewTabsInsertedBeforeExistingTabs property to false. I didn't test it to be certain, but the name of the property suggests that's the cause of the difference between our software and the sample.
Either way, that behaviour is not what we want. We want it to return to its original place in the tab order, not the start or end.
[Modified 6 years ago]