Posted 20 years ago by Justin Stenning - Manager, Research & Development, Pty Ltd

I am currently reviewing the parser within an existing server application (non-visual).

I was wondering whether the lexical parsing of a document (into a TokenStream) is possible without instantiating a SyntaxEditor control. I had a quick look through the docs and couldn't find any classes that looked appropriate (other than the Document class, which I couldn't see how to assign a language to).

We would be trying to implement the tokenization as quickly as possible, and therefore trying to exclude the functions related to UI.

If this isn't possible, do you have any suggestions/tips for where to go from here?


Comments (4)

Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Justin... excellent question. That actually is a major feature that we've added for the upcoming 2.5 release. We've restructured a lot of internal code so that you can load a Document, set a language to it, and iterate through its tokens without have any sort of UI dependency. It also means you can retain Document objects in memory and can swap them in and out of a SyntaxEditor control. The new 2.5 version is really slick in that respect and sounds like it's exactly what you're looking for. We expect it will be released in the next several weeks.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 20 years ago by Justin Stenning - Manager, Research & Development, Pty Ltd
That sounds great. Looking forward to seeing it.
Posted 20 years ago by painetraine
I've seen references to 2.5 in several posts. Do you have a list of what will be available in 2.5?

Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
The release history change list is quite long. However at a very high-level view, the major changes are:
    <li>Completely Separated the User Interface from the Document/Parsing Model
    <li>Added Syntax Highlighting To Collapsed Outlining Node Tooltips
    <li>Added More Print Settings that Can Be Set Independent of a SyntaxEditor Control's Settings
    <li>Added Display Lines to the Object Model
    <li>Added More Methods to Access the Outlining Object Model
    <li>Added the TextStylePreview Control
    <li>Finalized WinUICore and Shared 1.0 Library Object Model
    <li>Reduced overall memory usage
    <li>Increased speed for display line calculation and for general rendering.
    <li>Added IME composition window support
    <li>Many other miscellaneous new properties for new minor features
We should be ready for a beta soon.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.0) was released 5 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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