Thanks for fixing cursor position foucs in latest update. It is great. I had a new idea and thought add in a new thread with the last idea had in the old thread. I thought I can post future ideas and feature requests here in future too. If I get a new idea.
1) Single Click on Filename in EXPLORER Right Column Switches to That File
Currently we have to double click a filename in the right EXPLORER coulmn to bring to the front for editing/viewing.
Many multi tab editor apps have the option in settings to switch to the file by single click in options.
Can we have this option in settings?
Also if it is default, and not in settings, it would make more sense. Why?
BECAUSE: Single click on a filename in Explorer column does not do anything now.
It would make the app much faster for users.
2) Close App with Last File:
IF only one file in Explorer THEN CTRL+W = ALT+F4
As an option in Settings.
Another tiny thing, would be nice with closing last file (window) by CTRL+W, the app also closes.
This is for example the norm in many top apps like Sublime Text etc.
It can be default behavior or added as an option in settings:
[X] Close App with (last) open file
It basically saves fast coders one extra step: ALT+F4
Thanks again for the great app. :)