That looks promising. However i can not access the control within the DataTemplate.
<DataTemplate x:Key="SyntaxEditorScrollBarTray">
<controls:SectionComboBox x:Name="sectionComboBox" MinWidth="50" />
I can retrieve this template and assign it to my editor, it is visible:
var db = new ResourceDictionary();
db.Source = new Uri("StatNeth.Blaise.IDE.Base;component/Resources.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
var dt = db["SyntaxEditorScrollBarTray"] as DataTemplate;
this.ScrollBarTrayRightTemplate = dt;
But i can not access the sectionComboBox in any way, e.g.
_sectionCombo = _editor.Template.FindName("sectionComboBox", _editor) as Base.Controls.SectionComboBox;
Maybe you can help me, how can i access a named control in this syntaxeditor?
Thank you in advance:)