DockSite.ToolItemsSource : possible to style the ToolWindowContainer in AutoHideLeftContainers?

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 5 years ago by Marcus Jones - LN Systems Limited
Version: 18.1.0681


  I have been following the sample code MVVM ToolWindows and can see how that works. However I would like to create a set of ToolWindows from a list of classes in my viewmodel, but inside an AutoHideLeftContainer. As that is not a style setting for the ToolWindow itself I cannot use the ToolItemContainerStyle, how do template this?

Comments (1)

Posted 5 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Marcus,

The MvvmToolWindows QuickStart we have shows how you can add view models.  One of those examples is an auto-hidden tool window that auto-hides to the left.  You could add multiple of those if you wish instead of a single one.  This kind of code in that example would make sure they start auto-hidden left and are all in the same container:

toolItems.Add(new ToolItem1ViewModel() { State = ToolItemState.AutoHide, DefaultDockSide = ToolItemDockSide.Left, WindowGroupName = "Left Auto-Hide" });
toolItems.Add(new ToolItem2ViewModel() { State = ToolItemState.AutoHide, DefaultDockSide = ToolItemDockSide.Left, WindowGroupName = "Left Auto-Hide" });
toolItems.Add(new ToolItem3ViewModel() { State = ToolItemState.AutoHide, DefaultDockSide = ToolItemDockSide.Left, WindowGroupName = "Left Auto-Hide" });

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.2) was released 5 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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