OK, everything is working except selecting the first item in the list. On the first character, the item in the member list is selected. Example: I type 'i' and get a list with "if", "in", "integer", "interrupt" and "if" is selected. When I type the second character, 'n', the list is filtered and only "in", "integer", "interrupt" are displayed, but there is no selected item.
Here is my code:
public override bool ShowIntelliPromptMemberList(SyntaxEditor syntaxEditor)
return ShowIntellipromtMemberList(syntaxEditor, false);
private bool ShowIntellipromtMemberList(SyntaxEditor syntaxEditor, Boolean completeWord)
SemanticParserService.WaitForParse(SemanticParserServiceRequest.GetParseHashKey(syntaxEditor.Document, syntaxEditor.Document));
// Initialize the member list
IntelliPromptMemberList memberList = syntaxEditor.IntelliPrompt.MemberList;
memberList.ImageList = SyntaxEditor.ReflectionImageList;
// Get the target text range
TextRange targetTextRange = TextRange.Deleted;
TextStream stream = syntaxEditor.Document.GetTextStream(syntaxEditor.Caret.Offset);
if (stream.IsAtTokenStart)
if (stream.Offset > 0)
targetTextRange = stream.Token.TextRange;
targetTextRange = stream.Token.TextRange;
// Get the member list items and add keywords
IconResource icon = IconResource.Keyword;
foreach (String s in this.myReservedWords.Keys)
if (s.StartsWith(syntaxEditor.Document.GetTokenText(stream.Token)))
IntelliPromptMemberListItem item = new IntelliPromptMemberListItem(s, (int)icon);
// Show the list
if (memberList.Count > 0)
if (completeWord)
memberList.CompleteWord(targetTextRange.StartOffset, targetTextRange.Length);
memberList.Show(targetTextRange.StartOffset, targetTextRange.Length);
return true;
return false;
protected override void OnSyntaxEditorKeyTyped(SyntaxEditor syntaxEditor, KeyTypedEventArgs e)
if (Char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar))
It appears that the targetTextRange is correct.
This behavior occurs on the second character TYPED. If the 'i' was already in the text and I place my insertion point behind it and type 'n', then the "in" element in the list is selected - but when I type 't', there is no selected item. I must be missing some step of telling the editor something.