How to using Actipro control in Windows form vsto [.vbnet]?

Bars for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 5 years ago by Khanh
Version: 18.1.0341

I am having a small problem when creating a windows form ( in vsto using actipro
I created the barcommandlistbox and put some strings in the collection (in the property section) however on startup it didn't work.
How can I use them because I haven't seen a sample document on this. Can it be used in vsto?
thank you!

Comments (3)

Posted 5 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


We don't do any testing of our controls in VSTO add-ins, so we aren't sure how it would differ from traditional Windows Forms use.  Can you describe the issue in more detail, like how you are setting the strings and what you end up seeing?  Do you see the same issue when outside of a VSTO add-in?

Actipro Software Support

Posted 5 years ago by Khanh
Hi,Here are the steps I have taken
From the vsto toolbox, I added the actipro control via the actipro DLL, then
I created a new project windows form (.net framwork) and tested it with some objects (barcommandlistbox, statusbar, color palette, fontdropdownlist) then I experimented through events (click -> set backcolor, ...) and it seems they worked. however when working with text properties it didn't work.
example barcommandlistbox.items.add ("string")
or statusbar.text = "..."
are not displayed
Even when I went to the barcommandlistbox -> properties / items-collection / add string manually, it did not show up.
You can check it again. I think it is compatible and can extend the number of actipro control toolbox for winforms
Posted 5 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


The BarCommandListBox is a specialized ListBox that will not work with strings.  It requires that its items are of type BarCommand since it's trying to show the commands for use with the Bars product.  That's probably the isssue here.  A bars customization form would generally build the list by adding BarCommand instances from the BarManager to the BarCommandListBox.  The main Bars' demo's BarCustomizeForm.RebindBarCommandListBox method shows an implementation of this.

[Modified 5 years ago]

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 4 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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