How can I use the propgrideditors:DoublePropertyEditor inside a property grid for a double value ?
I tried with:
<propgrid:PropertyEditorsModifier x:Key="{x:Static propgrid:BuiltinEditors.PropertyEditorsModifierKey}">
<propgrideditors:DoublePropertyEditor PropertyType="{x:Type system:Double}"/>
inside the resources and also with:
<propgrideditors:DoublePropertyEditor SpinnerVisibility="Visible" PropertyType="{x:Type system:Double}"/>
but I could not make it work.
And also if I want to have a more complex PropertyGridCategoryItem with lets say 2 comboboxes, can I find somewhere the property grid styles for comboboxes, buttons, etc or I need to write the styles myself ?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,