When docking a window into the second screen, the window overflows on first screen.
This happens also with the “Actipro WPF Studio Documentation” each time I open it and put it to full screen on second screen.
Best regards,
When docking a window into the second screen, the window overflows on first screen.
This happens also with the “Actipro WPF Studio Documentation” each time I open it and put it to full screen on second screen.
Best regards,
I'm sorry you're having trouble. We aren't aware of any issues like and aren't able to reproduce it here.
Can you tell us exactly what operating system you are on, which exact WPF Controls build, the pixel size, DPI, and placement of your two screens, etc.? Also do you have any special Windows theme set or anything out of the ordinary that could contribute? Are you able to reproduce this on other machines as well?
You said it happens with the documentation too? The documentation CHM file opens in a normal native Win32 window that isn't WPF at all. If it's happening for that on your system, there might be a deeper issue going on with your system configuration that would prevent any changes we make in our implementation from helping.
This problem appears on the Sample application (Actipro Software WPF Controls) and NOT on the CHM. We are really sorry for that mislead from our side.
Using that application, we are able to reproduce it on 2 different machines with very different screens.
To reproduce it, you must dock the application to the top screen not far from the other screen (it happens on first and second screen eventually).
Our configuration is 2 screens, first on left side, second on right side :
First machine screens : 1920x1080 (x2)
Second machine screens : 1920x1080 and 1680x1050
We are both on Windows 10 (64 bits) and we are using your build version 18.1.0671 (it was specified in my previous ticket).
Thank you, we were able to reproduce this. We've written it down and will look into it. It's good timing because as part of the v2020.1 work we're just started on, we are going to be updating WindowChrome and will investigate this.
OK, that's good news.
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