I like to use Hack font for code printing. I have it installed on my Windows 10 pc. It appears in all Microsoft 365 products but not in CodeWriter. Is there any way to select it in CodeWriter?
[Modified 4 years ago]
I like to use Hack font for code printing. I have it installed on my Windows 10 pc. It appears in all Microsoft 365 products but not in CodeWriter. Is there any way to select it in CodeWriter?
[Modified 4 years ago]
Hi Karl,
Microsoft's UWP originally didn't offer a way to enumerate fonts but I believe that is now available to us in new versions of the API. We haven't updated the application yet to support other fonts, but that is a higher priority item on the TODO list. I've added your request to that item.
There's no built-in font API in UWP even today, however, you can use Win2D for enumerating fonts.
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