DockSite.Workspace error.

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 4 years ago by Chris Jasniewski - Consultant, BNP Paribas
Version: 19.1.0686

Have below error when upgrading to 19.1.0685.

error CS1061: 'DockSite' does not contain a definition for 'Workspace' and no accessible extension method 'Workspace' accepting a first argument of type 'DockSite' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Comments (9)

Posted 4 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


If you are upgrading from the pre-2016.1 codebase of Docking/MDI, you'll want to look at the Docking/MDI's "Converting to 2016.1" topic in the documentation that comes with the product.  That walks through the main breaking changes for things that were renamed or updated.  

For instance, that topic lists:

  • DockSite.Workspace property removed since floating dock hosts now support full MDI features. Use DockSite.PrimaryDockHost.Workspace to access what used to be in DockSite.Workspace.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 4 years ago by Chris Jasniewski - Consultant, BNP Paribas

Thanks. I cannot find in dockSite.PrimaryDockHost.Workspace methods: SwitchToStandardMdi() and  SwitchToTabbedMdi().  How i can access them? I see DockSite.MdiKind property added instead.  Can you give examples how to recode it?

Posted 4 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Correct, per the conversion topic:

DockSite.MdiKind property added, allowing for easy switching of MDI kinds. Use instead of old Workspace.SwitchToTabbedMdi and SwitchToStandardMdi methods.

The DockSite.MdiKind property is an enumeration-based property, so simply set it to the appropriate enumeration value for the kind of MDI you want (i.e. MdiKind.Tabbed, etc.).

Actipro Software Support

Posted 4 years ago by Chris Jasniewski - Consultant, BNP Paribas

After I upgraded to new ActiPro 19.1.685 all mine screens are display in center of tabbed document, not starting from top.

Is default with new version changed to display screen in the center?

How to chjange all screens to display at the top?


Posted 4 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


Do you mean the content of your tabbed documents is centered instead of stretched to fill the document window's client area?  The content should be stretching to fill by default.  We don't do anything special in our samples to get child controls to fill the document window's client area. 

Maybe check the DocumentWindow.HorizontalContentAlignment and VerticalContentAlignment properties to see if you changed them to Center, perhaps via some Style or something?

Actipro Software Support

Posted 4 years ago by Chris Jasniewski - Consultant, BNP Paribas

Where I can find detailed definition of all possibl;e properties with all possible values.

I learned for VerticalContentAlligmnet="Top" from debugger,  but would like to have link or document.



Posted 4 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Actipro Software Support

Posted 4 years ago by Chris Jasniewski - Consultant, BNP Paribas

I have one window which is displayed by reading XML from a database and displayed using DockSiteLayoutSerializer.DockingWindowDeserializing, but it display completely minimized (Like one row and versy small width).

I know that layout with ActiPro19.1.685 changed from 11.1.545. Please indicate what is wromng with below layout:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

-<DockSiteLayout SerializationFormat="All" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">


-<Content Orientation="Vertical" Size="1863,831" FloatingSize="1282,831" DocumentSize="1282,831" DockedSize="1863,831" AutoHideSize="1282,831" xsi:type="SplitContainer">

-<UIElement Orientation="Horizontal" Size="1863,831" FloatingSize="1282,831" DocumentSize="1282,831" DockedSize="1863,831" AutoHideSize="1282,831" xsi:type="SplitContainer">

-<UIElement Size="1863,831" FloatingSize="1282,831" DocumentSize="1863,831" DockedSize="1282,831" AutoHideSize="1282,831" xsi:type="Workspace">

-<Content xsi:type="TabbedMdiHost">

-<Content Size="1863,831" FloatingSize="1282,831" DocumentSize="1863,831" DockedSize="1282,831" AutoHideSize="1282,831" xsi:type="TabbedMdiContainer" SelectedWindowUniqueId="83899dd0-6198-46d5-aaf7-dac6d1aa24f7">

-<UIElement xsi:type="ToolWindowRef" UniqueId="83899dd0-6198-46d5-aaf7-dac6d1aa24f7">

<Tag xsi:type="XmlRCPWidgetWindow" GeneralNameValuesPairs="0" IsExpanded2="false" IsExpanded1="false" IsChecked2="false" IsChecked1="false" NumberOfItems2="0" NumberOfItems1="0" String1="runz,Z2" WidgetNumber="2" Title="Portfolio Viewer" ControlName="usrCBMultiViewControl" bUseGlobalChooser="false"/>





-<UIElement Size="750,500" FloatingSize="750,500" DocumentSize="750,500" DockedSize="750,500" AutoHideSize="750,500" xsi:type="ToolWindowContainer">

<UIElement xsi:type="Track" UniqueId="83899dd0-6198-46d5-aaf7-dac6d1aa24f7"/>



<UIElement Size="750,500" FloatingSize="750,500" DocumentSize="750,500" DockedSize="750,500" AutoHideSize="750,500" xsi:type="ToolWindowContainer"/>



-<RaftingHost Size="0,0" State="Floating" Location="250,250" IsMaximized="false">

-<Content Size="750,500" FloatingSize="750,500" DocumentSize="750,500" DockedSize="750,500" AutoHideSize="750,500" xsi:type="ToolWindowContainer">

<UIElement xsi:type="Track" UniqueId="83899dd0-6198-46d5-aaf7-dac6d1aa24f7"/>





-<ToolWindow Size="1863,831" FloatingSize="1282,831" DocumentSize="1863,831" DockedSize="750,500" AutoHideSize="1282,831" UniqueId="83899dd0-6198-46d5-aaf7-dac6d1aa24f7" State="Document" Type="BNPParibas.CB.RCP.Infrastructure.Interfaces.RCPWidgetWindow, BNPParibas.CB.RCP.Infrastructure" RaftingLocation="250,250" Name="usrCBMultiViewControl_3dd16fde_eb5f_4428_b426_52840836ead1" LastState="Docked" IsOpen="true">

<Tag xsi:type="XmlRCPWidgetWindow" GeneralNameValuesPairs="0" IsExpanded2="false" IsExpanded1="false" IsChecked2="false" IsChecked1="false" NumberOfItems2="0" NumberOfItems1="0" String1="runz,Z2" WidgetNumber="2" Title="Portfolio Viewer" ControlName="usrCBMultiViewControl" bUseGlobalChooser="false"/>




Posted 4 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


The one RaftingHost in there has a Size="0,0" which is odd.  Maybe change that to be the size of its Content ("750,500") and see if that helps?

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.4) was released 1 month ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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