I have multiple document and tool windows and all have the new WebView2 control as content. When I start the app I create these windows in background (there is a grid on top of the docksite hiding it) and I call the Activate() method on each of these windows.Then I set the docksite to be visible by hiding this grid.
On all visible windows the content is immediately there but on all windows/tabs in background as soon as I manually click on them to show them up, the WebView2 control on it starts loading. Just like they would lazy load. I've searched the forum and on several other topics it was told to call the Activate() method but I'm doing this. But it only works for the LAST window in each (split/toolwindow)container.
For example I have a toolwindow container with tool window A and B. In code I call A.Activate() and then B.Activate(). Content on B is immediately there but on A its not. If I change my code to call B.Activate() first and then A.Activate(), the content on A is immediately there but not on B.
Is there anything else than Activate() method to ensure the content is not lazy loaded?
[Modified 4 years ago]