Posted 18 years ago
by Wesner Moise
Version: 4.0.0257
Platform: .NET 2.0
Environment: Windows Vista (32-bit)

When do you plan to support language syntax of C# 3.0 and VB 9.0 in the .NET Addon?
Also, I noticed in the blueprint source some todo comments about missing support for arrays of rank > 1 and multilevel pointers in the AST implementation. Can I assume that the todos are incorrect and that the whole language is supported.
The todo comments are in AssemblyDomTypeReference.cs around line 92, (and reprinted below)
// Get array/pointer info
if ((type.IsArray) || (type.IsPointer))
arrayPointerInfo = new DomArrayPointerInfo();
if (type.IsArray)
// TODO: This doesn't handle multiple levels of array ranks
arrayPointerInfo.ArrayRanks = new int[] {type.GetArrayRank()};
// 5/10/2007 - Have to do a special check because nested type arrays aren't reflected correct in Type (
if (type.FullName != null)
int nestedClassDelimiterIndex = type.FullName.LastIndexOf('+');
if ((nestedClassDelimiterIndex != -1) && (type.DeclaringType == null))
declaringTypeFullName = type.FullName.Substring(0, nestedClassDelimiterIndex);
if (type.IsPointer)
// TODO: This doesn't handle more than one level of pointer
arrayPointerInfo.PointerLevel = 1;
Also, I noticed in the blueprint source some todo comments about missing support for arrays of rank > 1 and multilevel pointers in the AST implementation. Can I assume that the todos are incorrect and that the whole language is supported.
The todo comments are in AssemblyDomTypeReference.cs around line 92, (and reprinted below)
// Get array/pointer info
if ((type.IsArray) || (type.IsPointer))
arrayPointerInfo = new DomArrayPointerInfo();
if (type.IsArray)
// TODO: This doesn't handle multiple levels of array ranks
arrayPointerInfo.ArrayRanks = new int[] {type.GetArrayRank()};
// 5/10/2007 - Have to do a special check because nested type arrays aren't reflected correct in Type (
if (type.FullName != null)
int nestedClassDelimiterIndex = type.FullName.LastIndexOf('+');
if ((nestedClassDelimiterIndex != -1) && (type.DeclaringType == null))
declaringTypeFullName = type.FullName.Substring(0, nestedClassDelimiterIndex);
if (type.IsPointer)
// TODO: This doesn't handle more than one level of pointer
arrayPointerInfo.PointerLevel = 1;