I use TreeListBox to make a list display control and provide filtering function.
I want to make some prompts after the filtering is completed, how do I know that the filter has completed its work?
I use TreeListBox to make a list display control and provide filtering function.
I want to make some prompts after the filtering is completed, how do I know that the filter has completed its work?
Filtering occurs either synchronously when the TreeListBox.RootItem is set (or child items are later added), or filtering is dispatched with Background priority when the filter itself is activated or changed.
It doesn't look like we currently have an event for when filtering is complete. Would you like to see a TreeListBox.FilterCompleted event added? I'm assuming that event should only fire in these scenarios:
Do you agree with all that logic?
My current scenario is to enter some content in the search box, and then perform some other operations after the filter is finished.
At present, I only care about when the filter completes this operation after performing the filtering once. For the three scenarios you mentioned above, the parameters passed by the event should be able to distinguish which type of scenario it is called from, right?
In addition, I need to ask you to confirm that when the filter is reassigned, will the new filter be automatically called?
We will be adding a TreeListBox.FilterApplied event that is raised immediately after filtering is applied to all of the control's items. It won't pass anything in the event arguments but you can look at the current filter state in the event handler to compare to a previous state from the last event occurrence if needing to know what changed.
Setting the TreeListBox.DataFilter property to a new value will raise the event after the new filter is applied.
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