question regarding docking mechanism

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 2 years ago by Patrick Neubauer
Version: 22.1.3

Hi there, 

is there a way to get a that the dockingwindows reload there size after they have been docked or undocked so that the floating size will be the same after they have been docked and undocked? 


Comments (4)

Posted 2 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Patrick,

We generally try and use the size that the user resized the docking windows to.  If I drag a floating tool window and dock it to a side, then resize its width, and then drag the title bar to float it, I see the tool window float at the resized width.

Are you looking for the opposite, where regardless of how a tool window has been resized while docked, it would open up at a previous floating size?  We don't have anything for that built in.

If you have a specific scenario you'd like us to look at, please describe how to reproduce it in our main Docking/MDI demo.  Thanks!

Actipro Software Support

Posted 2 years ago by Patrick Neubauer

Hi there,

I´m looking for the opposite so regardless of how a tool window has been resized while docked, it would open up at a previous floating size. 
Do I need to make feature request for this?

Answer - Posted 2 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Patrick,

That would actually be somewhat difficult to do on our end since when a tool window is floating, it still is in a "Docked" state.  It's just docked in a floating dock host as opposed to the primary dock host within the DockSite.  The product tracks all docking window sizes in the same way no matter where they are.  The reason this is done is that tool windows can be floating on their own, docked next to each other in the same floating dock host, or even in a floating dock host that has tabbed MDI documents and tool windows docked all around it.  There really is any combination of ways docking UI can be combined, so it would be tricky to maintain multiple size states for different docking windows.

Can you provide some more information on why you would like this behavior so that we can better understand the scenario involved?

One other note, there is a ToolWindow.SizeToContentModes property that can be set to Floating.  If that is done and a Float menu option is used, it will float the tool window at a size that it determines would best fit the tool window's content, similar to Window.SizeToContent.  That might be somewhat helpful for you.  Although note that if you drag to float the tool window, it always tries to match the floating dock host size to the size of the original docked container being dragged, for consistency.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 2 years ago by Patrick Neubauer

Hi there, 

a use case was that some of our users did accidently dock the floating window. 
Now we found out that the docking control won´t show when using the 'cntrl' key. This is sufficient for us. 

The latest build of this product (v24.1.4) was released 29 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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