I have correctly bound a CommandParameter and Command to a Ribbon Button.
The button is enabled when the Commands CanExecute method returns true on the first call.
The button is never enabled when the Commands CanExecute method returns true after the initial call returns false.
It appears that the first returned result is the only one that enables the button on the CommandParameter changing.
I can work around this by calling NotifyCanExecuteChanged in the setter of the property used as the CommandParameter, but would prefer not to use a workaround.
I am using .Net 7 and MVVM Community Toolkit if that helps repro it.
private RelayCommand<object?> findMultiCueFireCommand;
public IRelayCommand<object?> FindMultiCueFireCommand => findMultiCueFireCommand ??= new RelayCommand<object?>(FindMultiCueFire, CanFindMultiCueFire);
public void FindMultiCueFire(object? param)
if(param is null || param is not CreateMultiCueCommand create)
var matches = TheFireFile?.ShowCommands?.OfType<MultiCueFireCommand>().Where(x => x.TheMultiCue == create);
if(matches != null)
public bool CanFindMultiCueFire(object? param)
if(param is not CreateMultiCueCommand create)
return false;
if(TheFireFile == null)
return false;
bool retval = (TheFireFile?.ShowCommands?.OfType<MultiCueFireCommand>()?.Any(x => x.TheMultiCue == create) == true);
log.Error($"{create?.MultiCueName} CanFindMultiCueFire = {retval}");
return retval;
<ribbon:Button Name="RibbonFindMQFireBtn" Label="MQ Fire"
CommandParameter="{Binding CurrentMultiCueCommand}"
Command="{Binding FindMultiCueFireCommand, Mode=OneWay}" />