Currently we keep the languages inside our assembly resources.
When loading them we use the DynamicSyntaxLanguage.LoadFromXml (stream overload) method.
This technique worked fine for our languagess but now, i need to load HTML.
Since this language contains childs languages it can't find the related resources (VBSCript, etc) :
<State Key="ASPDirectiveResponseWriteState" Filename="ActiproSoftware.VBScript.xml" ChildLanguageBackColor="WhiteSmoke">
Any idea or option? (besides deploing the XMLS to our customers..)
When loading them we use the DynamicSyntaxLanguage.LoadFromXml (stream overload) method.
This technique worked fine for our languagess but now, i need to load HTML.
Since this language contains childs languages it can't find the related resources (VBSCript, etc) :
<State Key="ASPDirectiveResponseWriteState" Filename="ActiproSoftware.VBScript.xml" ChildLanguageBackColor="WhiteSmoke">
Any idea or option? (besides deploing the XMLS to our customers..)