Is there a way to control the font used in the Intelliprompt popup window? We would like to tweak the font face and size. Thanks!
Is there a way to control the font used in the Intelliprompt popup window? We would like to tweak the font face and size. Thanks!
We don't have anything for that built in. It will use the SystemFonts.MenuFont for the IntelliPrompt UI. In general, our IntelliPrompt session class implementations all have a protected virtual CreatePopupContent method that a session can override. It is what creates the actual UI controls that render the IntelliPrompt when the session is opened. That is where you would want to set the Font, perhaps by calling our base method and then setting the Font on the control it returns. It can be a little tricky though since it would require you to be the one creating the session class instance (done by the related IntelliPrompt provider in a RequestSession method).
May I ask the look you wanted to achieve by changing the font?
The font appears too large for some reason after the v23 update. We were hoping to override it to correct the size but also set it to use the same font as the rest of our UI. I have a screenshot but I don't see a way to post it here. Is there are a way to send it over?
Can you email the screenshot to our support address and reference this thread? In your email, please describe your monitor setup and DPI on each.
I wondering if it could be related to the DPI-awareness updates we made for v23.1. We can work with you privately to sort it out. Thanks!
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