Is there a way we can get notify when there is a new release available?
I don't want to keep coming to the forum everyday just to check for new updates or releases.
Is there a way we can get notify when there is a new release available?
I don't want to keep coming to the forum everyday just to check for new updates or releases.
Hi Rex,
You can watch our blog, Twitter, or discussion forums for release notifications. We post in all three places when there's a release. The blog and Announcements forum both have RSS feeds.
Our WPF Controls v23.1 is currently almost code complete and we are working on documentation for it. There is a lot of documentation to write since it involves a new product.
Is it possible to send out emails to customers when new versions of purchased product are released?
While we don't have anything built into the web site to do that at the moment, it's something we can consider adding in the future.
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