These properties appear to be working as designed.
The AutoHidePopupOpenDelay indicates how long to wait when you mouse over an auto-hide tab before the tab is opened. Your sample did not define this property, but I tested setting it to "3000" and saw the tab open 3 seconds after mouse over.
The AutoHidePopupCloseDelay indicates how long to wait after the mouse leaves the auto-hide tab or the auto-opened window before it closes. Your sample had that configured as "10000" and I observed that the auto-hide window would close 10 seconds after I moved the mouse away.
The AutoHidePopupClosesOnLostFocus property is an obscure property intended for a very specific scenario. When focus move away from a DockSite, an auto-hide window should typically close. This property can keep it open in certain scenarios, but typically only applies to when focus is moved outside of the DockSite. Within the same DockSite only one window can be activate at a time. If you move focus to another document or tool window, the auto-hide window will close since it is no longer active.
If you still believe these properties are not working, can you please provide some detailed steps we can perform in the sample to reproduce the issue? Please be sure to let us know how the expected behavior of the sample is different from the actual behavior.