It looks like there has been a regression in the placement of a ParameterInfoSession popup sometime between v2018.1 and v22.1.4. The behavior is good in v2018.1, but not good in v22.1.4 and v23.1.3. This shows up in the demo editors for VB and C# (.NET language add-on).
Say you have a function with more than a few arguments:
Sub ManyArgs(s1 As String, d1 As Double, s2 As String, d2 As Double)
End Sub
Then start typing in a line to call that function. Start on one line, but then hit Enter to spread the arguments over several lines. The popup moves out of the way in v2018.1. But in 23.1.3 it stays in the initial position and obscures your typing.
I couldn't find any new option to control this placement.
[Modified 1 year ago]