Avalonia Controls v23.1.0 Released

Announcements Forum

Posted 1 year ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Our first product offerings for Avalonia UI have been released. The Actipro Avalonia UI controls are a diverse set of UI controls, components, and themes for building beautiful Avalonia UI apps.

We believe that Avalonia UI is a natural evolution of WPF and provides an ideal platform for modern app development utilizing existing C# and WPF skills. We are committed to enhancing and expanding our Avalonia UI product offerings going forward.

See our documentation's Getting Started section to learn how to download our open-source samples and take our Avalonia UI controls for a test drive.

About Avalonia UI Controls

Actipro Avalonia UI Free

Several products are freely available for anyone to use in their applications, providing a strong foundation for building high-quality applications. We fully support the Avalonia UI community by providing the following products at no cost:

  • Actipro Themes ensures that a great consistent visual appearance is applied to all controls within your application, regardless of whether they are Actipro Avalonia UI control products or native Avalonia UI controls.
  • The Actipro Shared Library is a common control library referenced by all our Actipro Avalonia UI controls. It contains several very useful controls, components, value converters, and utilities that can be used in your projects.
  • The Actipro Core Library is a class library that is completely UI framework agnostic. It contains numerous helpful utilities and base classes that can be used in your .NET projects.

Actipro Avalonia UI Pro

Elevate your application by licensing additional professionally designed commercial controls and getting access to the XAML source for all of our default control styles and themes.

  • Actipro Fundamentals provides a collection of advanced controls that are useful for many different types of applications.

This is just the start. Much more is planned to be added to the Pro bundle in the future.

Actipro Software Support