You mentioned not seeing the system-rendered drop shadow in our Sample Browser. Do you see it in our main Window for that app? I do when I try in Windows 11 Pro.
Or do you mean DO see it in the main Window, but NOT in child windows opened with ShowDialog()? I tried this in our RootWindow.axaml.cs and did see shadow on that child window too:
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e) {
var w = new Window() {
Width = 400,
Height = 300,
Title = "Title",
Content = new StackPanel() {
Children = {
new ChromedTitleBar() {
RightContent = new Button() { Content = "?" }
new Button() { Content = "Foo" }
Our ChromedTitleBar ends up setting these Window properties behind the scenes:
- Window.ExtendClientAreaChromeHints = ExtendClientAreaChromeHints.NoChrome
- Window.ExtendClientAreaToDecorationsHint = true
- Window.ExtendClientAreaTitleBarHeightHint = (height value)
Beyond that, it's just a normal Avalonia control.
If there are problems with the system rendering of the shadow, it's likely something that the Avalonia team would need to address, since all the Win32 code is on their end. We only modify those three Window properties.
BTW, these forums don't support uploading images at this time. You can link to images on image share sites though.