Popuped auto hide window is remained when minimize main window of application.
We are using nested DockSite, and using WindowsFormsHost in document window.
Would you please check it?
I will send sample project.
Best regards,
Popuped auto hide window is remained when minimize main window of application.
We are using nested DockSite, and using WindowsFormsHost in document window.
Would you please check it?
I will send sample project.
Best regards,
This is a tricky situation since it appears:
If there weren't floating nested dock sites or the UserHostedPopups=false setting in play here, the issue wouldn't appear. The only workaround I've found so far is to add this code in your MainWindow constructor:
this.StateChanged += (sender, e) => {
if (this.WindowState == WindowState.Minimized) {
foreach (var documentWindow in MainDockSite.Documents) {
if (documentWindow.Content is DockSite nestedDockSite) {
nestedDockSite.PrimaryDockHost.CloseAutoHidePopup(true, true);
That code will watch for the main window to become minimized and will look for nested dock sites and tell them all to close any open auto-hide popups.
Thank you for your reply.
Is it possible to re-open closed popup when the window is restored?
You would have to track the auto-hide window that was previously open via nestedDockSite.PrimaryDockHost.AutoHidePopupToolWindow. Then when the main window unminimizes, if you had tracked that an auto-hide tool window was closed when the main window minimized, you could try to activate it.
Normally this all happens automatically but it's the combination of nested dock sites and interop support that requires you to do it manually.
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