Posted 20 years ago
by Boyd
Sr. Software Developer,
Patterson Consulting, LLC

When you use outlining to collapses text, you can hover over the collapsed text indicator to display a tooltip of the collapsed text (up to a certain number of lines). This tooltip typically appears just below and to the right of the collapsed text indicator.
The problem is that sometimes the collapsed text indicator is close to the bottom of the screen. When the tooltip is displayed, it continues to display just below and to the right of the collapsed text indicator. If the entire tooltip cannot be displayed in the visible portion of the screen, it should move up the screen enough so that the entire tooltip is visible (this is how VS.Net does it).
Please let me know if what I'm discribing doesn't make sense.
The problem is that sometimes the collapsed text indicator is close to the bottom of the screen. When the tooltip is displayed, it continues to display just below and to the right of the collapsed text indicator. If the entire tooltip cannot be displayed in the visible portion of the screen, it should move up the screen enough so that the entire tooltip is visible (this is how VS.Net does it).
Please let me know if what I'm discribing doesn't make sense.