I have a problem with icons at the application menu.
If I create a button in xaml and set the ImageSourceLarge property, the image is displayed fine and sharp.
like in this code:
... used namespace ...
<ribbon:SplitButton ImageSourceLarge="/Images/SaveAs32.png" Label="Save As" KeyTipAccessText="A">
<ribbon:Separator Label="Save settings under a different name" />
<ribbon:Button ImageSourceLarge="/Images/SaveAs32.png" Label="Save As..." KeyTipAccessText="A" />
like in this code:
using Button=ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Controls.Button;
private Button saveAsMenu = new Button();
saveAsMenu.Label = "Save Configuration as";
saveAsMenu.ImageSourceLarge = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Images/SaveAs32.png", UriKind.Relative));
saveAsMenu.Command = WorkItem.Items.AddNew<SaveAsStorageConfigCommand>();
thanks in advance