Hello, guys.
First of all I want to say thnx for your work. Your control is very useful. I'm using SE in my application and have just found an issue. I think it can be a bug. Recently I have downloaded the latest release (build 274), but the problem still exists. Truly say it is not reproducing in your sample project. I tried to duplicate initialization strings from your sample to mine, but it also didn't solve my problems. So, I have dialog box with two tabs on it. First tab is making available to edit body code segment (Document.Text) and second one is created as read only and shows all code segments (headertext, text, footertext), please see attached pictures (1,2).
Tab 1
Tab 2
As you can see the warning pop up is presented on Tab 1 - Class member declaration expected. An warning occurs only when I select C sharp language.
Here is my initialization steps:When I insert multi lined code without any conditions everything works fine. Suggestions?
[Modified at 07/16/2008 10:14 AM]
[Modified at 07/16/2008 10:15 AM]
First of all I want to say thnx for your work. Your control is very useful. I'm using SE in my application and have just found an issue. I think it can be a bug. Recently I have downloaded the latest release (build 274), but the problem still exists. Truly say it is not reproducing in your sample project. I tried to duplicate initialization strings from your sample to mine, but it also didn't solve my problems. So, I have dialog box with two tabs on it. First tab is making available to edit body code segment (Document.Text) and second one is created as read only and shows all code segments (headertext, text, footertext), please see attached pictures (1,2).
Tab 1
Tab 2
As you can see the warning pop up is presented on Tab 1 - Class member declaration expected. An warning occurs only when I select C sharp language.
Here is my initialization steps:
private StatusTextEditor CreateNewSyntaxEditor(ICodeSegment codeSegment, Boolean isFullText)
StatusTextEditor editor = new StatusTextEditor();
editor.SyntaxEditor.Tag = codeSegment;
editor.SyntaxEditor.Document.LanguageData = dotNetProjectResolver;
editor.SyntaxEditor.AllowDrag = true;
editor.SyntaxEditor.AllowDrop = true;
editor.SyntaxEditor.LineNumberMarginVisible = true;
editor.SyntaxEditor.WordWrap = WordWrapType.None;
editor.SyntaxEditor.ScrollBarType = ScrollBarType.Both;
editor.SyntaxEditor.LostFocus += SyntaxEditor_LostFocus;
editor.SyntaxEditor.GotFocus += SyntaxEditor_GotFocus;
editor.SyntaxEditor.CutCopyDragWithRtf = true;
editor.SyntaxEditor.UnicodeEnabled = true;
editor.SyntaxEditor.Font = new Font(editor.SyntaxEditor.Font.FontFamily, 8);
editor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
switch (Language)
case Language.CSharp:
editor.SyntaxEditor.Document.Language = new CSharpSyntaxLanguage();
case Language.VB:
editor.SyntaxEditor.Document.Language = new VBSyntaxLanguage();
editor.SyntaxEditor.Document.ReadOnly = isFullEditor;
editor.SyntaxEditor.CurrentLineHighlightingVisible = true;
editor.SyntaxEditor.DefaultContextMenuEnabled = false;
if (!((ICodeSegment)editor.SyntaxEditor.Tag).EditableByUser))
editor.SyntaxEditor.UseDisabledRenderingForReadOnlyMode = true;
editor.SyntaxEditor.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStrip1;
return editor;
[Modified at 07/16/2008 10:14 AM]
[Modified at 07/16/2008 10:15 AM]