HintText available on non Ribbon control

Ribbon for WPF Forum

Posted 16 years ago by Stefan de Vogelaere
Version: 4.0.0457
I have tried to add RibbonControlService.HintText="Search" to a normal textbox, but this does not seem to work. If I add style="{DynamicResource {x:Static ribbon:RibbonStyles.TextBoxKey}} then it does work, but I want to use another style. Any suggestions? (same goes for combo boxes).

Comments (1)

Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Well since WPF is lookless the Style needs to process that attached property or you won't see any effect. Our TextBox style does process that property and shows appropriate UI as needed, which is why you see it when using our style.

To use other Styles, they must have a ControlTemplate that also shows UI when that property is set.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 1 month ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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