I am playing around with the trial of your product and have come unstuck with the MDI docking.
Here is my xaml..I then add DocumentWindow objects in code...
Everything works 100% until I drag a the last DocumentWindow from one container to a new one. The application then crashes with
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
I have tried to clone your samples as much as possible, but still no go.
Please give me an idea as to what I am doing wrong.
I am playing around with the trial of your product and have come unstuck with the MDI docking.
Here is my xaml..
<Page x:Class="FMS.Main"
Title="Franchise Management System" Width="1024" Loaded="Page_Loaded" xmlns:docking="http://schemas.actiprosoftware.com/winfx/xaml/docking">
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
<ribbon:Ribbon Height="Auto" Name="ribbon1" Width="1024" DockPanel.Dock="Top">
<ribbon:Button Label="Exit" />
<shared:RecentDocumentManager />
<ribbon:Button Label="Menu Item" />
<ribbon:Tab Label="Maintenance">
<ribbon:Group Label="Accounts" Width="Auto">
<ribbon:Button ImageSourceSmall="pack://application:,,,/ActiproSoftware.Ribbon.Wpf30;component/Products/Ribbon/Images/ButtonDefault32.png" Label="New" Name="NewAccountButton" Click="NewAccountButton_Click" />
<ribbon:Button ImageSourceSmall="pack://application:,,,/ActiproSoftware.Ribbon.Wpf30;component/Products/Ribbon/Images/ButtonDefault32.png" Label="List" Name="ListAccountsButton" Click="ListAccountsButton_Click" />
<docking:DockSite Height="Auto" Name="MainDockSite" Width="Auto" AreDocumentWindowsDestroyedOnClose="False">
<docking:TabbedMdiContainer Name="mdiContainer"></docking:TabbedMdiContainer>
private void ListAccountsButton_Click(object sender, ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Controls.ExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
DocumentWindow dw = new DocumentWindow(MainDockSite);
dw.Title = mdiContainer.Items.Count.ToString() + " : Items";
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
I have tried to clone your samples as much as possible, but still no go.
Please give me an idea as to what I am doing wrong.