If I put this XAML into the Ribbon:
The binding works fine.
If I put this XAML in:It does not.
I do not see any binding errors in the output window. The DP that is being bound to is:Is there something else I should try?
David Mullin
IMA Technologies
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=DisableOverlayCaching}" Content="Disable Screen Overlay Caching" />
If I put this XAML in:
<ribbon:CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=DisableOverlayCaching}" Label="Disable Screen Overlay Caching" />
I do not see any binding errors in the output window. The DP that is being bound to is:
public static readonly DependencyProperty DisableOverlayCachingProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("DisableOverlayCaching", typeof(bool), typeof(DeveloperTab), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, OnDisableOverlayCachingChanged));
David Mullin
IMA Technologies