Bug: InfoTip not displaying correctly

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 20 years ago by Boyd - Sr. Software Developer, Patterson Consulting, LLC
I have encountered a situation where the InfoTip I'm trying to display is not being properly rendered on the screen. The following is the test code being used to add the InfoTip.
editor.IntelliPrompt.InfoTip.Info.Add(@"Variant DataTable.RawValue (<b>Variant ParameterID</b> )<br />Retrieves the <em>raw value</em> of the cell in the specified parameter and the current row of the run-time Data Table.  The <em>raw value</em> is hte actual string written in a cell before the cell has been computed, such as the actual text from a formula.<br /><b>ParameterID:</b> Identifies the parameter (column) of the value to be set/retrieved.  Index values begin with 1.");
You can actually add this code to the Sample Editor application under the 'editor_KeyPress' event to use with the InfoTip sample for 'Invalidate'. When executed, you'll see that the InfoTip doesn't draw correctly. Only the first three lines of the InfoTip are visible. The very top of the fourth line can be detected, but is not fully visible.

It appears it's getting tripped up while trying to word-wrap the long line that doesn't have breaks in it. It's almost as if the necessary height of the MarkupLabel is being calculated before word-wrapping has taken place.

I should also note that your screen resolution should be no higher than 1024x768 to reproduce the error. I ran the same code on a higher screen resolution and it worked. That fortifies my word-wrapping theory.

Let me know if you can't get the above sample to work or if I can provide more detail.

[ 01-26-2005: Message edited by: Boyd ]

Comments (3)

Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Thanks Boyd... this is fixed for the next release.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 20 years ago by Boyd - Sr. Software Developer, Patterson Consulting, LLC
It looks like some aspect of this issue is still hanging around. The following text, when displayed in the InfoTip, will not fully display the text. Just place the following line in the 'editor_IntelliPromptQuickInfoRequested' event of the Sample Application:
e.ToolTipText = "TABLE FIELD <b>AC_ACTION_NAME</b><br />Table: Actions<br />The name of the action to be performed. The value for this field can be one of the following: ac_add_bug, ac_add_common_settings, ac_add_cover, ac_add_cycle, ac_add_cyclefolder, ac_add_cycle_to_cyclefolder, ac_add_desstep, ac_add_folder, ac_add_private_settings, ac_add_r&d_comments, ac_add_req ac_add_reqfolder, ac_add_test, ac_add_test_to_testcycl, ac_change_password, ac_clear_history, ac_configure_mail, ac_copy_cycle, ac_copy_folder, ac_copy_cyclefolder, ac_create_rbr_files, ac_create_views, ac_create_wr_script, ac_customize_fields, ac_delete_bug, ac_delete_common_settings, ac_delete_cover, ac_delete_cycle, ac_delete_cycle_from_cyclefolder, ac_delete_cyclefolder, ac_delete_desstep, ac_delete_folder, ac_delete_private_settings, ac_delete_req, ac_delete_run, ac_delete_test, ac_delete_test_from_testcycl, ac_import_bugs_from_file, ac_import_bugs_from_mail, ac_import_bugs_settings, ac_import_wr_tests, ac_modify_bug, ac_modify_common_settings, ac_modify_cycle, ac_modify_desstep, ac_modify_folder, ac_modify_hosts, ac_modify_private_settings, ac_modify_req, ac_modify_reqfolder, ac_modify_run, ac_modify_test, ac_modify_test_in_testcycl, ac_move_folder, ac_move_cyclefolder, ac_remove_reqfolder, ac_reset_cycle, ac_run_auto_test, ac_run_manual_test, ac_send_all_qualified, ac_test_exec_params, ac_users, ac_wr_settings.";
I know this string is huge, but it does illustrate the point <IMG SRC="cool.gif" border="0">
Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Sounds like we need to add the same sort of code to Quick Info that we did to Info Tip.

Wow, the forum software really doesn't like these long lines! <IMG SRC="smile.gif" border="0">

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 4 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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