A possible problem in the demo and some questions

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 16 years ago by Andrei S

I am currently evaluating the demo and in the tool-window inner-fill demo I noticed that when a single tool window is docked on left or right, its caption dissapears:


This does not happen when I dock it to up and down though:


Beside this I also have more questions:

1. I want to customize docking visual cues. Instead of displaying the VisualStudio-like indicators, I would like to just have vertical\horizontal thick red lines to represent insertion point. Is this possible ?

2. I want to be able to skin the tool window when floating (color and adding buttons on the title bar replacing the menu item to change the floating state). Is this possible ?

Thank you.

[Modified at 02/25/2009 12:46 PM]

[Modified at 02/25/2009 12:47 PM]

[Modified at 02/25/2009 12:53 PM]

Comments (11)

Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Andrei,

For the inner-fill issues, could you either post exactly how to reproduce that or alternatively email our support address with a simple project showing it? We haven't seen it happen. Thanks!

1) Maybe you could email a mockup of what you mean for the dock guide change. Our existing dock guides are completely themeable. So you'll notice different ones based on whether you use the Aero theme or another one.

2) Right now the main rafting container window is system-drawn in Windows apps. We do have a TODO item to make the rafting container windows themed via the use of our WindowControl control in their templates though.

As for adding buttons, we don't have a direct way to do that yet however when you are a customer you can request the default templates and can add custom buttons into a custom template for ToolWindowContainer. We have on our TODO list for a way to more easily add title bar buttons though.

You can turn off the Options buttons a variety of ways now. On each DockingWindow instance, there is a HasOptions property. Then on DockSite there is ToolWindowsHaveOptions which is a global default property.

Hope that helps.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 16 years ago by Andrei S

For the inner-fill issue:
1. Open the Tool window-inner fill quickstart demo
2. Set Tool Window 1 to Auto-Hide
3. Set Tool Window 3 to Auto-Hide
4. Dock the Tool Window 6 to the left or right.
You will see the caption dissapearing.
It will appear again if main window is resized so it might be something related to size computation.
This doesn't happen if you dock it to top\bottom.

Regarding the dock guides: When I drag a window to dock it, I don't want the dock guides displayed. To explain what I want here is an example: suppose we have two ToolWindow's in a ToolWindowContainer one docked to left and the other to the right, (with inner-fill feature).
When I drag the right window and the cursor is close to the left border of the left window, I want a vertical red line displayed there showing the insertion point.
It's similar to what currently is displayed when you mouse over the dock guides but with a thin line instead.

Thank you.
Posted 16 years ago by Andrei S
For the inner-fill issue, beside caption the title buttons also dissapear.
Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

What version are you running? I've been trying to dupe the inner fill issue with your steps but it doesn't happen here at all for me. Everything looks fine when those 4 steps are followed. I'm running Vista.

There isn't an option right now to turn off dock guide display since you'd have to write custom code to process mouse movement if you didn't have them. So you could probably do this if you have the Blueprint source code for the control.

As for the red lines, the drop target preview control can be styled however you wish but right now nothing tells it which side, if any, it represents. So that also would probably have to be coded in.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 16 years ago by Andrei S
I am on Vista too and running:
C:\Program Files\Actipro Software\WPFStudio\v4.5.0485\Assemblies\ActiproSoftware.Docking.Wpf30.dll

[Modified at 02/26/2009 12:22 PM]
Posted 16 years ago by Andrei S
The idea is that when I dock either to the left or right a tool window which occupies the whole main window the caption and buttons dissapear.
Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
I see it now. I was dragging with the tab, not the title bar. Thanks, we'll look into this.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 16 years ago by Andrei S
OK, great.

Beside the above things I mentioned above, I am also looking for this feature and I am not sure if it can be done, it would be great if you could give me any idea:

Imagine 3 tool-windows: a tool-window on the left, then a splitter, then 2 horizontal splitted tool-windows.
The thing is with the first tool-window on the left is that I don't want it to be stretched vertically having the width of the 2 windows on the right. Below it, I want to be able to see a 'background' color as it's ready to accept a window to be docked there.
I know it's how the layout works that is to stretch it, but do you think it's possible to do that in any way ?

One idea I have is to place a tool-window without buttons below it with the 'background color'. If I dock a window there I should remove this dummy window. The problem is that the indicators will reveal the fact that there is really a window there.

Thanks alot.
Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Andrei,

We've fixed the inner fill docking issue for the next maintenance release.

For your other question, check our our Fixed Tool Window QuickStart. Maybe that is what you want.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 16 years ago by Andrei Nitescu

I've just installed the new build and I am running the demo.
The issue doesn't seem fixed.

Seems like now it's not happening the first time but if dock it several times to left, then up, then down, then right the issue appears again: there is no caption and buttons in the titlebar.
Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Andrei,

Ok, we see where the tool window container was getting passed a zero-width by which to measure. This should be fixed now for the next maintenance release. Sorry the last tweak didn't do the trick.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.4) was released 2 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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