as I wanted nested Docking Windows( ToolWindows )in my project i have put demo code here..belowabove code compiles and runs successfully
but Problems are
1. when I autohide the inner Toolwindow it actually puts Tab out side the parent ToolWindow ... That I wanted inside toolwindow
2. inner toolwindow Autohide is working but when i click on Autohide of outer toolwindow it gives Exception like "Unable to locate the specified control in the AutoHideHost."
as I wanted nested Docking Windows( ToolWindows )in my project i have put demo code here..below
<docking:ToolWindowContainer Name="ParentContainer" docking:DockSite.ControlSize="850,100" >
<docking:ToolWindow Name="ParentTw" Title="XYZ" HasOptions="False" >
<docking:SplitContainer >
<docking:SplitContainer Orientation="Vertical" >
<docking:ToolWindowContainer Name="Child1">
<docking:ToolWindow HasOptions="False" Title="First" >
<TextBlock Text="This is Pratik" ></TextBlock>
<docking:ToolWindowContainer Name="Child2">
<docking:ToolWindow Title="Second" HasOptions="False" >
<TextBlock Text="This is another Pratik" ></TextBlock>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<docking:TabbedMdiHost Name="tmhChild">
but Problems are
1. when I autohide the inner Toolwindow it actually puts Tab out side the parent ToolWindow ... That I wanted inside toolwindow
2. inner toolwindow Autohide is working but when i click on Autohide of outer toolwindow it gives Exception like "Unable to locate the specified control in the AutoHideHost."