Code fragment and intelliprompt members

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 16 years ago by KC
Version: 4.0.0281
I have an editor that i am using as a code fragment editor. Very much like the sample project. The problem is that I cannot get the intelliprompt members to popup in the fragment. I do get the quick info hoover information.

For example, Dim O As Object... I get intelliprompt after I type "As" and i see all the classes, etc. But then if i go to the next line and type "O." I do not see any members.

I am setting the HeaderText and FooterText on the editor, and the odd thing is that if i instead move that code to all reside within the editor.document.text, then i DO get the intelliprompt for the members on the Object as expected.

Any ideas as to why it won't work with the same code in the HeaderText and FooterText?

Comments (2)

Posted 16 years ago by KC
I figured this one out... It seems a little odd, but, i had to append a crlf to the end of my HeaderText and prefix the FooterText of my editor.document.

Apparently, they are concatenated in a manner that if there is no line break, it causes a syntax error (although not visibly detected) and thus, the object references do not work.
Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
That would be correct. A common mistake that people make who use languages like VB with the header/footer text is that they forget to put a final line feed at the end of
the HeaderText.

SyntaxEditor doesn't auto insert line feeds between HeaderText and Text when it parses the merged result so it's very important for you to remember to add one when working with languages like VB since line feeds in VB dictate where the end of a statement is.

Otherwise, the merged result could end up with a line like:
Public Class Foo Public Sub Test
Instead of this, which is what you want:
Public Class Foo
Public Sub Test

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 7 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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