Various questions for grammar and custom outlining

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 16 years ago by Civa
Version: 4.0.0281
Hi all,

I have several questions for you :

1.Lets say I have defined new grammar in Microsoft Oslo SDK tool called IntelliPad and I want to use it in your grammar designer.Is there any possibility for such behavior or I have to write helper classes ? Here is the sample code of my grammar in IntelliPad pleease tell me if there is any chance for that.

module Business
    language BLang
        token Ako = "Ako";
        token OPar = "(";
        token CPar = ")";
        token Product = "Product";
        token Dot = ".";
        token Price = "Price";
        token Manje = "<";
        token Vece = ">";
        token Jednako = "=";
        token Num = "0".."9";
        token OCur = "{";
        token CCur = "}";
        token Message = "Message";
        token Expr = "A".."Z";
        token SimpleRule = Ako | OPar | Product | Dot | Price | (Manje | Vece | Jednako)? | Num | OCur | Message | Expr | CCur;
        syntax New = "New";
        syntax LF = "\u000A";
        syntax CR = "\u000D";
        syntax Space = "\u0020";
        syntax Whitespace = LF | CR | Space; 
2.Im also interested when WPF Syntax Editor first public release is going to occur?
If we buy Syntax Editor component for Windows Forms can we later do some kind of upgrade or we have to buy WPF separately?

3.Is there any way to do custom outlining in code editor ? For example if I have this situation :

Entity.Person.BirthPlace.City.Street which can be any kind of custom expression,

how can I make it short just having a Street underlined (looking like link) instead of whole expression ?But when I click that word representing expression I could have some tool tip or restored expression for example.Is this possible?

4.Is there any way of validating custom expression and making syntax error when we define some lets say aritmetic expression and expect return type of Integer and we have double and then syntax error showing up tell us that return type of expression is expected?

Comments (1)

Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

1) Actually we haven't announced it yet, but the upcoming SyntaxEditor for WPF comes with a free add-on we made that lets you wrap a parser defined in MGrammar and have SyntaxEditor do syntax highlighting based on it, all in under 15 lines of code. It's really cool.

2) We are hoping to have the first public beta within a week or so. Keep an eye on our blog.

3) The first WPF release won't have code outlining yet but we do plan on adding it soon. You won't be able to do special highlighting over ranges just yet either. However SyntaxEditor for WPF does support quick info tips.

4) This would take syntax/semantic parsing. I believe your MGrammar parser will give you syntax errors. Eventually we may enhance our addon to show them in the editor too. But we still have to create ties into additional parsing and support span indicators. The first beta doesn't have those things yet.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 4 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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