Posted 16 years ago
by Eli Gazit
Softwear Suit Ltd

Hi I am using this code:
And it is opened with a blank white area with the X button on the top right corner.
When I open a document in the TabbedMDIContainer and close it, I see the image.
How can I make it that it is opened without the blank white rectangle?
<!-- Workspace -->
<docking:Workspace BorderBrush="#898C95" BorderThickness="1">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="/LogbiGUI;component/Resources/Images/LogbiLogo.png" />
<docking:TabbedMdiContainer x:Name="tabbedMdiHost">
When I open a document in the TabbedMDIContainer and close it, I see the image.
How can I make it that it is opened without the blank white rectangle?