http://screencast.com/t/Qh9caPW9uZO. Is it possible to do with SytaxEditor?
I tried to reuse the URL inside comments style from the CSharp sample, but without success.
Best Regards,
Gustavo Guerra
A lot of features have been added to SyntaxEditor in the past 5 years. Is this still the best way to do this? Or would adornments or some other feature be easiest to manage?
Adornments seem to be a very quick way of finding the items i want to make clickable and adding an underline, but they don't appear to consistently respond to clicks. That means I would need both the adornment and and IEditorViewMouseInputEventSink, which feels a bit sloppy.
[Modified 11 years ago]
Hi Scott,
No there isn't anything new in the area of supporting hyperlinks. Using classifications/styles is better than adornments because the underlines will truly show up where they should be. If you use adornments, you have to guess where the underline should appear vertically, which might not always be correct. And yes, using the IEditorViewMouseInputEventSink would be how you want to watch for and react to mouse input to the editor.
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