Posted 20 years ago
by Radventure B.V
When the user has typed "using" namespace followed by a point (for example "using System."), I want to show only the subnamespaces from the entered namespace.
I thought I could use the flag IntelliPromptNamespaceAndTypeFlags.Namespaces for that purpose, but when I use that flag the memberlist doesn't get filled
when calling AddReflectionForAssemblyNamespacesAndTypes. I'm probably forgetting something...
This is very easy to reproduce by changing the line:
flags[index] = IntelliPromptNamespaceAndTypeFlags.NamespacesAndTypes | IntelliPromptNamespaceAndTypeFlags.Public;
flags[index] = IntelliPromptNamespaceAndTypeFlags.Namespaces;
Erik Pepping
I thought I could use the flag IntelliPromptNamespaceAndTypeFlags.Namespaces for that purpose, but when I use that flag the memberlist doesn't get filled
when calling AddReflectionForAssemblyNamespacesAndTypes. I'm probably forgetting something...
This is very easy to reproduce by changing the line:
flags[index] = IntelliPromptNamespaceAndTypeFlags.NamespacesAndTypes | IntelliPromptNamespaceAndTypeFlags.Public;
flags[index] = IntelliPromptNamespaceAndTypeFlags.Namespaces;
Erik Pepping