Posted 16 years ago
by Michael Fooks
Software Engineer,
Automated Positioning Systems
Version: 9.1.0503

I am subscribing to the WindowActivated and WindowDeactivated event on the Docksite control.
My issue is:
Even though a ToolWindow may have been selected and has focus, unless a control on the ToolWindow gains focus or loses focus, the WindowActivated and WindowDeactivated do not get called. I would expect WindowActivated and WindowDeactivated to get fired when the Toolwindow gains focus (is activated).
At the moment I have a ToolWindow with a child WebBrowser control. The WebBrowser control never gains focus by default, which means I get no WindowActivated and WindowDeactivated event. If I add a Button control to the ToolWindow then I do get these events.
Is this an issue that needs to be fixed? Or is there an easy way to get around this problem?
Thanks heaps.
I am subscribing to the WindowActivated and WindowDeactivated event on the Docksite control.
My issue is:
Even though a ToolWindow may have been selected and has focus, unless a control on the ToolWindow gains focus or loses focus, the WindowActivated and WindowDeactivated do not get called. I would expect WindowActivated and WindowDeactivated to get fired when the Toolwindow gains focus (is activated).
At the moment I have a ToolWindow with a child WebBrowser control. The WebBrowser control never gains focus by default, which means I get no WindowActivated and WindowDeactivated event. If I add a Button control to the ToolWindow then I do get these events.
Is this an issue that needs to be fixed? Or is there an easy way to get around this problem?
Thanks heaps.