DWManager.LayoutData.Save to LoadToolWindowLayoutFromFile

Docking/MDI for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 15 years ago by Javier Muñoz
Version: 2.0.84
Good morning,

I would like to know if we can load the function LoadToolWindowLayoutFromFile from the visual studio’s version 2005/2008 (v2), if we can generated a file with the function ActiproSoftware.DockableWindow.DWManager.LayoutData.Save(“C:\Example.xml”) from the visual studio’s version 2003 (v1).

I attached some code in the Example.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  DockableWindow/TabStripPanel Control
  Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Actipro Software LLC.  All rights reserved.

<dockable-window-layout version="2.0">
  <custom-data />
    <container-container preferred-size="1253, 871" orientation="Horizontal">
      <tool-window-container preferred-size="1253, 474" selected-index="1">
        <tool-window key="Escenario 1@Cotiza1">
          <undocked-bounds>40, 90, 955, 200</undocked-bounds>
          <preferred-size>1253, 474</preferred-size>
          <auto-hide-size>955, 200</auto-hide-size>
        <tool-window key="Escenario 1@Ordenes1">
          <undocked-bounds>54, 200, 965, 200</undocked-bounds>
          <preferred-size>1253, 474</preferred-size>
          <auto-hide-size>965, 200</auto-hide-size>
      <workspace preferred-size="1253, 871" />
      <container-container preferred-size="1253, 366" orientation="Vertical">
        <tool-window-container preferred-size="904, 361" selected-index="0">
          <tool-window key="Escenario 1@listOrdenes1">
            <undocked-bounds>1360, 293, 838, 370</undocked-bounds>
            <preferred-size>904, 361</preferred-size>
            <auto-hide-size>838, 370</auto-hide-size>
          <tool-window key="Escenario 1@tickEjec1">
            <text>Ticker Ejecuciones</text>
            <title-bar-text>Ticker Ejecuciones</title-bar-text>
            <undocked-bounds>28, 298, 783, 226</undocked-bounds>
            <preferred-size>904, 361</preferred-size>
            <auto-hide-size>783, 226</auto-hide-size>
        <tool-window-container preferred-size="348, 361" selected-index="0">
          <tool-window key="Escenario 1@HorqRV3">
            <undocked-bounds>307, 545, 356, 385</undocked-bounds>
            <preferred-size>348, 361</preferred-size>
            <auto-hide-size>358, 142</auto-hide-size>
          <tool-window key="Escenario 1@HorqRV2">
            <undocked-bounds>677, 530, 356, 385</undocked-bounds>
            <preferred-size>348, 361</preferred-size>
            <auto-hide-size>358, 142</auto-hide-size>
        <tool-window key="Escenario 1@selValoresDG1">
          <undocked-bounds>40, 90, 200, 400</undocked-bounds>
          <preferred-size>192, 871</preferred-size>
          <auto-hide-size>200, 400</auto-hide-size>
    <top />
    <right />
    <bottom />

Comments (1)

Posted 15 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Javier,

Sorry but the layout file structure is different between the two products so you'd need to recreate your layout in UIStudio and save the layout from UIStudio instead.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 5 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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